Why didn't you tell me before I started that

  • Why didn't you tell me before I started that FoldingStory would be this addictive! Three nights in a row up past 1. Ugh, and my week was hard enough as it is.
  • We didn't tell you because we were too busy attending FS Anon. It's a 10 step program. The 1st person writes the 1st step, folds the paper & passes it on. so far it's had a 0% succ
  • ess rate at guessing the secret password which would, when whispered, reveal the exit to this steel labyrinth. But then again, I suppose you knew that since you're trapped here as
  • David Bowie. The Englishman looked at the sad little muppet. Sad, sad little weepy muppet, no guts except someone else's hand. David Bowie said, "Your words cannot harm me for
  • Any purpose you intend." So the sad little muppet listened to David Bowie music and relaxed over tea and crumpets.
  • 'Wow, I'm so British right now,' the sad little muppet thought. The thought made him a bit less sad, and he felt like an amicable little muppet instead. The next song was "Heroes"
  • "Though nothing, nothing will keep us together We can beat them, forever and ever" the little muppet sang, his voice more English now than it had ever been before. Even his puppet
  • muskrat was on message with tearing their relationship into shreds of mutual accusations and not enoughisms. The Admiral and Toenail had to get past shields and yarnell. The Hudson
  • Brothers were back, competing against the reboot of “Pink Lady and Jeff.” The reboot became a more dismal failure than before; no one wanted to see Mie and Kei in bikinis anymore.
  • But then they invited Tony Orlando & Dawn to ongoing tag team bare-knuckle boxing matches. Tony Orlando & Jeff vs. Pink Lady & Dawn. #1 in the ratings. The ladies pulverized them.


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