Once upon a time, in the magical land of

  • Once upon a time, in the magical land of HELL...
  • the Devil was sitting on his throne of burning corpses. He sighed looking at the desolate landscape. "We need to change things up around here..."
  • "Imp, who do we have on our wait list?" The imp unfurled a long scroll. "Yes Satan, we have Kim Jong-Il, Muammar Gaddafi, Osama bin Laden, and Nate Dogg." "Nate Dogg? Who's that?"
  • "Nate dogg is a notorious camel smuggler" replied Satan. The imp rolled up the scroll and inserted it deep into his secret scroll hole. "Thats gross!" said Satan. The imp waddled
  • because the imp had three fat legs shooting out of his gut. The imp
  • cartwheeled towards the nearest rubber tree, bled the sap out of it and fashioned himself a latex suit. Henceforth, the imp was a gimp. He was now on the "receiving end".
  • This arrangement worked well, for months, until the imp gimp was maimed during a passionate session that got out of control. Now an imp gimp with a limp, his dominant partner
  • , a pimp, made him skimp on snacks. He'd become a real blimp. The wimpy limping gimp imp's chimp, Simp, saw his chance to make off with the pimp's
  • Resident shrink who glimpsed the sewer rats eating his food. Beware! There was time to make a word out of the glyphets manifesting themselves as chimps at the grocery store. Who
  • would be the winner. Will the rats finish all of the porridge in the store, or will the shrink be able to talk them out of it and would the chimps prevail!


  1. SlimWhitman Mar 02 2016 @ 17:38

    Find out next millenium in the magical land of Ache Eeeh Double Hookie Schtik.

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