The sun burned my back as I walked down the

  • The sun burned my back as I walked down the beach. It has been a long, hot day that took a lot out of me and I was ready to relax in the hotel pool.
  • But...where was the pool? I shielded my eyes against the molten sun. For that matter, where was my hotel? I looked around. No one else was on the beach. I peered out into the sea.
  • Nope no one there either...time for a lil skinny dippin like ma and pa taught us back home in west virginia. I squealed with delight when the cold water hit my
  • weather station. I'd been measuring the climatic changes in the region and found that a certain amount of cold water would provide sufficient data to prove
  • that sea monkeys really do exist! My theory was correct! The only problem was these weren't normal sea monkeys, these were indeed the rarest of ALL species of sea monkeys. This
  • was the lost deep colony of Atlantis sea monkeys!. I had to get them back into the US, where they belong in a museum. I tied my whip to my belt, cocked my hat, and dove in to get
  • the golden aquarium that the sea monkeys made their home. It was far heavier than it looked, and once I lifted it out of its pedestal a giant sentient boulder began to chase me!
  • Luckily I whipped out my over-the-shoulder boulder holder and trapped the live boulder inside. The boulder said "Lemme outta here ya jerk!" "Oh, a wise guy, eh?" I replied. I flung
  • out the window and left the house.
  • I told myself I would never go back! Unless there were ridiculous circumstances or gifts of course, but other than that never! I plan to start a brand new adventure now. Would you


  1. 49erFaithful Feb 07 2013 @ 15:59

    ...care to join me?

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