Once upon a time there were two adorable

  • Once upon a time there were two adorable children who were homeschooled by a fabulous lady. There was a frog who ate cheese.The cheese of the mountain which was so good.
  • "The cheese of the mountain is so good, i'd eat it all day if I could, but I don't have time, to go & climb, the mountain who's cheese is so good." The frog
  • gave a questioning glance up at the mountain. It had only been an old wives tale about the mountain cheese. To know that it actually existed gave him the chills.
  • He knew though that if he wanted to get to the mountain cheese, he would have to defeat the cheese yeti. So he grabbed his smacker stick and stabby knife and began the
  • cheese yeti feast, but he couldn't bring himself to kill the poor creature, not without some nice wine to go with it. The cheese yeti took advantage of his hesitation to grab his
  • fondue stick which he wielded with deadly effect. The cheese yeti nodded with satisfaction. Humans make fine sausage. As he removed the man's clothing he discovered
  • a new way: tickling. With a light touch to a particular patch of skin, the cheese yeti could incapacitate a struggling morsel & increase productivity (foodtivity, he called it) by
  • Mr. Microphone performing his annual inspections of black slime mold on just about anything. His nickname was earned by using microwave amplification for measurements of latent
  • heat capacity. The physicist inside of him told him it was physcally impossible and that it couldnt be done. Mr.Microphone tutted and told the physicist
  • Under right circumstances everything's possible" The physicist replied,"however some circumstances can't be influenced by humans" Both realised the insignificance of humanity. End.


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