This world...So twisted & cruel...So dreary

  • This world...So twisted & cruel...So dreary & desperate. What we need is a heartwarming story...a Christmas story! One of love, hope, gladness & cheer. It just so happened that
  • I'm fresh out of cheer and down to the crumbs on gladness, so I'll pour some sappiness into my last jug of hope to dissolve what remains. And jot down this tale. It began on Tuesda
  • Island, an isolated speck of dirt deep in the heart of the Pacific. It was also a Tuesday which, as we all know now, only made matters worse. They say sadness
  • falls like the tattered and dismal shroud of a long-hoped-for happiness that somehow gets nipped in the bud, and they are right. The people of Earth somehow endured Tuesday, went
  • out of their minds Wednesday, stayed in bed Thursday & snapped out of it Friday. Everyone was back to normal. Or were they? Waiting in lines, strangers began talking to each other.
  • Line by line, old enemies were becoming friends. Elder Joseph even forgave the kid who pilfered his favorite pair of sequin pants last 4th of July. But there were some who
  • he did not forgave this someone is his old nemesis, Allison, she stole all his goldfish when he was in first grade....Just that memory being brought up, brings uncontrolling rage
  • to his pet hamster. Jolly they called him. Fat little fella. Allison was old by the time
  • Jolly learned his numerous hamster tricks, such as "run on wheel, then get bored" and "burrow away from us for days." Allison was too old to appreciate such trivial matter, instead
  • she learned cat tricks such as "sleep" and "paw at somebody" so they all lived boredly ever after . The end... But there's a plot twist! The twist is there's no plot twist! The end


  1. SlimWhitman Jan 28 2016 @ 18:25

    Foldingstory's how to be happy 101.

  2. Gibber Jan 30 2016 @ 21:30

    More inspiration from real life: About a half hour after the 1989 Loma Prieta Earthquake (6.9) I noticed people were talking in the checkout lines at a supermarket.

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