This is my 100th fold. Let us celebrate this

  • This is my 100th fold. Let us celebrate this momentous occasion!
  • I said as I whipped the cover off my machine. The crowd stared, stunned and amazed. I wiggled my eyebrows at them before flipping the switch.
  • The invention that would surpass HDtv titled 'Real Life'. It required no wires or even power. The crowd was amazed at this new invention and shouted "Shut up and take my money!".
  • Reviews for "Real Life" were pouring in. "It's like a holodeck, but you can actually FEEL and SMELL things." "I upgraded to Outside and I saw BLUE SKIES" Problems occurred when
  • the algorithm produced unexpected weather patterns. Users were not prepared for sub zero temperatures or winds that caused
  • Marge's hair to deflate. Poor Marge. She was so proud of her beehive. And now, because of these math nerds, her hair was flat as a pancake. She raked her fingernails over the
  • lawn and it seemed like it was going to take her way too long time to clean the front lawn. That's when Grannie brought her old fashioned lemonade to the porch. She took her old sw
  • An brush and had her husband do the job in exactly 37:44. The swan was white so it didn't create any catastrophic globalist furour. The Crap News Network reporter interviewed her.
  • "I am a trumpeter swan," she told the interviewer, "I studied with Dizzy Gillespie and Miles Davis and have played every dive in this city. But fame has eluded me because I have no
  • embouchure because, as you can see, I really have no lips." The interviewer peered closely. Sure enough. "I should have listened to my mother. She wanted me to be a ballerina."


  1. Woab Nov 09 2016 @ 14:20

    Haw! Love that ending, PP.

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