Lana loved to dance, however she has one

  • Lana loved to dance, however she has one secret no one must ever know about her. One she constantly lies about.
  • We cannot reveal it in this story in full, due to non - disclosure agreements from long ago. We can hint at it, though. Or use a pseudonym. What is better?
  • Amy looked over her shoulder and then realised that the question had been aimed at her. She blushed saying, "We should try a pseudonym. How about The Contorted Fox?"
  • Gnarly hyena! Tangled pooch, loose goose? Amy and her partner tried out of few new ones whilst passerby threw them strange looks and the occasional rude remark.
  • Not bothered by the onlookers remarks, they carried on. Slithery snake, humorous horse. It was harder than they initially thought. Creating a secret language from the scratch was
  • no child's play- on second thoughts... They assembled a team of babies and gave them typewriters. The babies were each given a word of english, and whatever they typed was the new
  • national anthem. "Apochromatic revolving lamia," it began, "...course forsythia irregularity..." it continued. The babies who wrote it became irritable when it was put to music
  • because they had not known that they had been creating the first sentient assassin pop song, later National Anthem. As a sentient assassin, the song knew to kill the babies that wr
  • ought havoc to their families in the form of baseless caterwauling. Somehow the intelligence built in to the numerical representation of the song's notes were translated into 1s an
  • extraordenary compossion of mathematical precession and musical intuition which created a masterpiece.


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