Her clothes were soaked through and her skin

  • Her clothes were soaked through and her skin was caked in blood. She had no idea how long she was in this pit, but she knew that she wouldn't last much longer with the conditions
  • being as they were. She screamed. There was a low, whispering voice calling her from the shadows. It sounded like a snake, but couldn't be, could it?
  • But Eve was uncertain whether animals could talk or not. She had little experience with nature. It had taken her a week to figure out that the pain in her stomach was hunger. It to
  • ok another week to figure out how to pee. Adam would have explained it to her, but he was figuring it out himself in addition to naming animals and trying to prove that they talk.
  • Eve soon got bored of listening to the squawking of harrons, and listening to Adam trying to 'translate'. Now that the peeing issue was resolved, she realized she was thirsty and h
  • eaded over to the stone fountain. She hesitated for a second, unsure of her actions for a moment, and then dunked her entire head beneath the surface. It was then that her
  • eyes adjusted to the murky water. People had been dropping pennies in this fountain for ages! "What luck!" she thought as she scooped out handfuls of copper coinage. Just enough,
  • in order to pay the fee. She had to hurry back to the sage in order to have the ritual performed. While she wished that it was something she, herself could accomplish, the dark art
  • required a stand-up comedian to complete the spell. With only moments to spare, she conjured up Chaz to deliver the magic punch line. "Say it, Chaz, SAY IT!" she cried frantically
  • . Chaz took the carrot from his mouth, tapped it onto the ground, & had this to say: "My house didn't get featured on Better Homes & Gardens, it was the grandest at the hat party."


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