"Then you export the undelimited one into

  • "Then you export the undelimited one into your VIOP account. Once it's been finalized, you can check it against the proxy." Said Candace. Mitch hurled the non-dairy creamer and scr
  • eamed, "Save the cows!" The bank teller, unfazed, replied in monotone, "The cows are doomed. You think you can save them now? The Bovine Bellum is upon us, Mitch. You cannot stop
  • Cows from farting, though California is trying. My cows won't wear the fart tanks provided me by the local green council, with instructionsm
  • to tie the tank around both sides of the cow's butt, then open the tank to capture the hot, stinky air. The green secretly had the idea of capturing the farts for natural fuel.
  • however; he was unaware that the plastic for the tank he'd strapped to the cow's butt was made of a gas reactive polymer & it opened a portal to the nether world instead. Demons
  • formed a conga line out of hell and the bass dropped and he couldn't take it anymore. This was too much. He called Sam and Dean, but they joined the conga line instead. His cow was
  • in the conga line too, shuffling forward gracelessly, loosing patties whose pungent aroma added to the festive aura. Sam wasn't too drunk to make a mental note to scrape his shoes
  • on Aunt Martha's glasses before entering the house. Sam knew only too well how Aunt Martha felt about dirty shoes on her carpet. He staggered to the bathroom in search of aspirin
  • and vodka. The vodka he found but not the aspirin because, like I said, he found the vodka. He plopped himself down on the floor with his back against the tub and his feet around
  • his genitals,as he had been taught by his vodka-zen master.He began his Meditation with gulping down the vodka in increasingly large gulps until the world had faded.Nirvana at last


  1. Rebbie Feb 08 2017 @ 12:53

    WARNING! Cow farts may lead to demons dancing, and alcoholism. Inhale at your own risk!

  2. Woab Feb 08 2017 @ 17:00

    Now you tell me.

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