'Marzipan,' began Einstein (the first word

  • 'Marzipan,' began Einstein (the first word he had spoken since being exhumed) 'has three tubers more than the average cannibal. Are you writing this down, you scum? Berty...'
  • are you a man man, or a girl man? If you don't mine my rudeness, I'm just asking.... Are you a Fag?
  • Because God hates Fags, you know?! If I were you I would correct your sinful ways and ask for His forgiveness!" right then I kneeled and started praying to my God, the god of
  • faghating. He was extremely pissed off that more than 2 fags existed on planet Earth, so he zapped the fag within 3 seconds with his anti-fag lightning! I was super victotious! But
  • with no cigarettes left Britain's older generations revolted, triggering a shift in world power. After, the new global government was comprised entirely of gay men. "BAWWW" said
  • Tom Clancy as he typed the last words of his latest novel, "gay take over." He got up and ran out the door holding the finished script. But just as he was negotiating the steps he
  • tripped over his untied shoelace and the manuscript went flying in a thousand directions. Most pages flew through the banister and fluttered down the several flights into the
  • waiting arms of David Lynch. He held the chaos of notes close his chest. "Like manna from heaven, this will be just what I need! Now where is that backward talking dwarf?" He saw a
  • shovel humming like it was some crazed tuning fork. The dwarf's laugh echoed. He laid himself onto the ground and the shovel began beating him. He could just barely make out his
  • huge grin as the shovel spanked him. "Bloody dwarves." He thought. "Even they get more than I do."


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