"Juergen, what are you doing out here? Your

  • "Juergen, what are you doing out here? Your supposed to be realigning the Studebakers wheels!" "Sorry Bob,I was just reaching a Kolmogorov-Arnold-Moser state." "Jeez Juergen, can't
  • you stop fiddling around with the dynamic system? But Juergen couldn't. And Bob knew why. Ever since the strange man had appeared at his gas station strange
  • fiddle music played in the middle of the night. Juergen & Bob heard it, but only caught a glimpse of the strange man hiding behind a gas pump. But strangely, by the time they got
  • there, the strange man had disappeared. However, the music remained. "Whatever," they thought, "music is music." And on that note, they began to pop lock and drop it.
  • It was like watching a bunch of crazed weasels practice karate and ball room dancing to dub step music. They had never felt so free to express themselves. The Strange Man had given
  • Himself permission to become the creature of his choice. He thought long and hard, choosing a Siamese cat. His name was yet to be determined because he wasn't yet born.
  • He hoped that someone would name him Mr. Buckets and would feed him cream and let him go to sleep on their tum-tum. Much to his surprise he wound up being a female Siamese cat and
  • named Ms. Cheese, for that was the fate that her new owners had in mind. This life as a cat would end as a spread on some French baguette with bits of arugula, her own fat the dip
  • Cat nip dip mix with Ms. Cheese's cat fat dip. The sludgy deliciousness of eat your pet cat as a spread would become a trend that the elite would follow for years until
  • pet cats started fighting back. Simba McGuire, Lion and CEO of Humans are Food Inc.,is proud to now have Ms. Cheese's head hanging on the wall of his 44th floor corner office.


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