The boy was walking across the bridge when?

  • The boy was walking across the bridge when?
  • His foot fell theough the railroad tracks. There had been a worn and broken hole on one of the ties. He though it might be sprained and would have to limp the 3 miles to the end.
  • It took him almost two hours to limp his way to the end. When he finally did get there, he saw a light shining from a nearby bush. He walked over there and saw
  • Tinkerbell. She was furious, beating her wings in vain. He could see she was caught. Hmmm...an interesting situation, given the circumstances. He gently extracted her from the bush
  • and brushed off the leaves that still clung to her. She shivered. Her wings fluttered. "Thanks," Tink said begrudgingly. "I suppose now you expect me to grant you a wish."
  • He looked at her in shock. A wish? Her wings were puny. Was she stupid? His wings were twice the size of hers! And then he realized it must have happened again. She must not be
  • afraid. She is useful for him. Very useful. Something's in his task are not dependent on wing sizes. Other's are though. He needed to think. Definitely something had to happen then
  • but of course just because something needed to happen didn't mean it did. I mean, wasn't he the great Procrastinator of 2007? The champion. He remembered his fight to the top
  • which was fraught with perils, not the least of which was the need to get up and use the toilet. But he wrestled that hurdle into submission by wearing seven layers of adult diaper
  • Seemed like a good idea at the time but when he got explosive bowel syndrome he ballooned out like Stay Puff Marshmellow Man and had a 'brown out'. At least he got a Darwin award.


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