Welcome to FoldingStory. To get started,

  • Welcome to FoldingStory. To get started, just follow these nine easy steps:
  • First, imagine yourself in a strange setting and describe it for the first fold. Second,
  • add details to embellish the fold. Third, end your line with something provocative and/or use double entendres. Fourth, don't be too pokey or leave any big holes. Fifth,
  • try to use long words to appear erudite. 6th, don't try to impress people with your vocabulary in your folds, no-one likes a smart arse. 7th, try folding standing up, the blood flo
  • w to your brain is generally much better (depending on where your brain is located). 8th, never ever fold stories when you are drinking...or driving for that matter. 9th, if you
  • have any doubts whatsoever,always go back to 5th.Why?No reason.I just like the sound of 5th.10th.Or as I like to call it:double 5th.Never,and I mean never,ever fold in bed with a
  • cigarette in your hand.11th(double 5th plus 1):Never fold in bed with a cigarette in your mouth and a pair of scissors in your hand.12th(double 5th plus 2):Never fold in bed with a
  • stogie, a collie, and a snuggy. 13th(double a fifth of rum): bent to adjust the snuggy, collie jumps off bed kicking double fifth of rum onto lit stogie. 13th is just not my number
  • thought the Collie, remembering that booze laden night with a German Shepherd named Nana, ended in a debauched run on roulette, losing everything on 13. The fire snapped the Collie
  • 's neck, ending his poor miserable life. He felt thoroughly peaceful as he went to sleep for the last time.


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