Well, at least I thought it would be like

  • Well, at least I thought it would be like that. I was never quite sure of how unsure I really was. In fact, the only thing I've ever been sure of was cheese. Cheese was my passion.
  • I can recite the Monty Python sketch by heart. It used to really knock 'em dead in college. Now, it's just my cheese and me. We are alone. Is our future
  • written in the stars? Free Willy, or Destiny's Child? If a tree falls in the forest, and no one is around to hear it, does an apple fall far from it? Between you and me,
  • I do not believe that it does. Call it genetics, or an obscure branch of the family tree, there was no ignoring the fact that they just weren't right. It is one thing to lower
  • expectations. It's another thing entirely to blame poor hygiene for the lack of cohesiveness now. Whatever it was,
  • the smell was nauseating. The poor guy needed a bath and some type of Freudian glue. But, at that time
  • all I had was a hose and bad intention. Coming around the corner, his shit eating grin (possibly literally) was erased by 70 pounds per square inch of icy water. His boys retreated
  • and hid behind the elk parked outside the 7/11. The blast hit him in the chest and knocked him to the floor. The torrent carried him down the street and into the
  • layer cake.The moose then invited the elk over for some wine and cheese. They had a gay old time but there was an elephant in the room watching wheel of fortune and
  • his constant shouting ruined the mood. Cross breed assignations were put on hold until the contestant solved the puzzle. A before and after. Hi-brid-le.


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