In the Shenanigan's household it was an open

  • In the Shenanigan's household it was an open secret young Malarky was the result of a liason between Mrs. Shenanigan and Father Seamus, but Malarky was sure he was a changeling
  • cuz he hated shenanigans & his Shenanigan family's stupid pranks. At Shenanigan family reunions, Malarky always ate in the closet & always called police when the tomfoolery began.
  • The Shenanigans married into the Ruffians and Hooligans, to Malarky Shenanigan's chagrin. His chagrin turned upside down when he met Curmudgeon Tomfoolery. "My middle name's Cynic,
  • " he rasped, "But my sister, Testy, calls me Cy." Malarky Shenanigan thought Testy Tomfoolery was so beautiful, especially when chagrinned at him. Cy, Testy, & Malarky left to go
  • to the Aggro Arms. Hammered, Malarky Shenanigans took against Cy. "Leave it!" yelled Testy Tomfoolery, "he's not wurf it!" Malarky swung, missed Cy & knocked lovely Testy into next
  • tomato turbine. Thwarted, they turned to the third Tom, twisted their thumb twenty times. Undaunted,
  • unbridled and totally unwashed this ugly Tom did something Un-Tom, under the uncanny upholstered urinal at the Umami Burger. Very
  • unexpected. Ugly Tom, the most useless man alive, fixed the leaky urinal pipe! A clerk informed the owner, who approached Ugly Tom with an expression of awe. "We've been trying to
  • clean up the mess on the bathroom floor for years! How did you manage that?!" Ugly Tom smiled, flexing his useless biceps (which failed to appear). The owner grasped Tom's hand and
  • let out mighty song, bouncing upon the freshly-lacquered walls. While the bones were not found, and they could feel the scratching inside the curtains, they all lived almost well.


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