She was tall, blonde, and beautiful. No one

  • She was tall, blonde, and beautiful. No one knew her real name. She was simply known as "Boochie." Cool and intelligent, Boochie was called upon often by the CIA to pose as a
  • Princess Leia in the gold bikini impersonator. Sure Leia was a brunette but the clientele didn't seem to mind Boochie's performances one bit. Tonight Boochie was called upon by her
  • Godfather. Damn thought Boochie. When she got the loan, the Godfather had said he might ask for a favor, that day may not come. Now he's interrupting her Star Wars party.
  • But Boochie always was a trooper, so she took off her Leia wig and stormed into the study. There the Godfather waited, meanwhile talking with a group of kids dressed like Wookies.
  • He said the Wookies had to start folding stories on the weekend. There were no more excuses now that Leia. Was dead. They had to choose user names and start laughing again.
  • Seasoned folders were perplexed by the content of the latest folds, which conveyed nothing more than a series of grunts and whines. A delegation was sent to the plant Kashyyyk, to
  • learn the lingo of the natives:the Wartbores.A Wartbores most colleagial greeting it was soon discovered was a grunt sounding & smelling like a fart passing through fetid swamp mud
  • I mastered that greeting in half a heartbeat. I soon discovered I could do any thing Wartbores could. Then the Wartbore chief reveled to me that I was a wartbore who'd been adopte
  • d by normal people. I asked how he knew. The chief whispered to me what defines Wartbores. I was horrified. I didn't want to be a Wartbore anymore! I thrashed around purposelessly.
  • Then I remembered that was Wartbore behavior so I reached around in my mind for some other ethos to get me through this & hit on Dudism. Relax, this aggression will not stand.


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