تجمّع الطلبة أمام مدخل

  • تجمّع الطلبة أمام مدخل كلّية الآداب في حرم الشداديّة الجامعي، و جلس الجميع لتدبير مكيدة ممتازة لا تشوبها شائبة لتأجيل محاضرات هذا اليوم. قدّم محمّد أوّل اقتراح، و هي خطّة جهنّمية.
  • وكانت خططته ان يتمركز الطلاب باماكن تجمع الطلبة في كلية الاداب
  • ولكن للأسف لم يحضر اغلب الطلبة بسبب انشغالهم بالامتحانات الجامعية مما اضطره ان يؤجل الندوة الى ما بعد الامتحانات حرصاً على حضور الطلبة و الاستفادة منها قدر الإمكان
  • وهنا ظهرت الطالبة المستجدة أستبرق، و فكرة في خطة جهنميه أخرى لإخراج الطلبة من الجامعة وتأجيل كل الاختبارات وخطتها كانت تشغيل إنذار الحريق ونجحت خطتها وخرج الجميع
  • وبعد ذلك صعد محمد الى اعلى المبنى متنكراً بزي الباتمان واخذ يكرر لا يوجد اي حريق في الداخل ونزل طلب من الجميع ان لا يقلقوا وثم غضبت أستبرق و قالت هو الذي كبس الزر الانذار
  • بعدين
  • Ozgur Arslan considered this as well as where to place his tea glass on the table. "There are so many considerations these days," he thought. "To move perfectly and conscientiously
  • So he decided to make herbal tea and go the gym because it's leg day and he really needs the caffeine in his system
  • وبعد ذلك نزل محمد من المبنى ، وقال : ليس انا من ضغط الزر اظن ان هذا انذار خاطئ قالت استبرق : لقد رأيته يضغط زر الحريق وبعد ذلك قال محمد بحزن شديد : هذا كذب و خرافه انتي لم اضغط الز
  • and indeed the sheep did look mighty depressed. But Mohammed was kind to those with cloven feet, so he knitted the sheep a sweater and they watched the glad Rosh Hashanah sun set.


  1. WhatTheFox Oct 03 2019 @ 21:59

    The students gathered in front of the entrance of the Faculty of Arts on the campus of the Shaddadiya campus, and all sat to arrange an excellent flawless plot to postpone the lectures of this day. Muhammad made his first proposal, a hellish plan. His plans were for students to be stationed at the college of arts Unfortunately, most of the students did not attend because of their preoccupation with university exams, which forced him to postpone the seminar until after the exams in order to attend the students and make use of them as much as possible. Here emerged the new student Astprq, and the idea in another hellish plan to get the students out of the university and postpone all tests and plan was to run the fire alarm and succeeded her plan and everyone came out After that, Muhammad went up to the top of the building disguised as Batman, and repeated that there was no fire inside. He asked everyone not to worry and then he got angry. Two dimensions Ozgur Arslan considered this as well as where to place his tea glass on the table. "There are so many considerations these days," he thought. "To move perfectly and conscientiously So he decided to make herbal tea and go the gym because it's leg day and he really needs the caffeine in his system Then Muhammad came down from the building and said, "I am not pushing the button. I think this is a false alarm." and indeed the sheep did look mighty depressed. But Mohammed was kind to those with cloven feet, so he knitted the sheep a sweater and they watched the glad Rosh Hashanah sun set.

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