Some one is typing folding story, I wonder

  • Some one is typing folding story, I wonder what they are going to say next?
  • .... That was a good question. Why I never thought about it before. What would I say next? Let's try 'kumquat' or 'galoshes'. How about.... boom... boomerang! This is fun. Hmmm...
  • why am I alone. I like lake Woebegone and Garrison Keiler, yet no one is around. I like Jerry Lewis, and yet I am isolated. I like talking about food allergies and yet, where
  • have all the Puerto Rican Power Rangers gone? Go, Go, Puerto Rico! Ahhahhahhahhahh! I can still hear their theme song here at Lake Woebegone. Garrison Keiler on the radio, I
  • realized that i found my calling: creating the next live action Power Rangers movie!
  • Since Spielberg is my dad I could explain my idea to his investors."See, It should be like this!" I took my legacy limited edition Megazord and crashed him into Goldar in slo-mo
  • tion. I pitched my idea to the investors. No one cared that Ira Spielberg, accountant, was my father, so they declined to invest. "THIS IS A HORRIBLE FISCAL MOVE!" I yelled, deter
  • mined to express myself fully while staying well within my organic reaction quota. My childhood on Ceres taught me that movie blockbusters needed both dreamers and bean-counters to
  • succeed at the box office. Unfortunately, I was neither. But it didn't matter, since I was really an actor. Well, a model. OK, so I was just a body double, but my organic reactions
  • to method acting aggravated my IBS, and Christian Bale had me fired from my last gig, so now I'm just a living statue at a local amusement park - low pay, but free cotton candy.


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