"The 3rd person plural present active subjunctive

  • "The 3rd person plural present active subjunctive of the verb do, dare - or what you get when a shopping cart hits your car." Who thinks these things up, thought Marty. It's like
  • the time I walked into that glass window thinking it was a door. Marty had stitches in his forehead from the accident but gained the ability to think about random ideas
  • but then take absolutely zero action on them. That made him "Idea Man." So that's what Marty did. Now me? I can really throw the old bull around. I could sell Ice to Eskimos.
  • I'm not really one to brag, *sniff*, but I'm kind of a big deal. HUGE in Japan right now. But uh, Juan Carlos, he was the cool guy in the gang. Dude was just smooth. Juan would
  • talk his way, with his silver tongue, into the hearts of women and men, with such an air of sexual guatamalenness--these are the only words that adequately describe...that he never
  • had been to Guatemala seemed inconsequential to those he enchanted.Perhaps the ancient Mayan gods favored him from above because when he opened his first used car lot in Yazoo City
  • people mistook it for a car park and queued up to leave their cars, which he proceeded to sell to the highest bidder. Business was booming, but those pesky Mayan gods had the last
  • Laugh. The defenestrated cars were suddenly nervous, but nobody made Prozac for them, just humans. Oil was leaking, and transmission fluid. People were drenchef.
  • Drenchef were people. Cat's and dogs were living together--MASS HYSTERIA! The cars needed to be fixed but were too prideful to admit it, and the oil was spilling all over the place
  • We leave this view into your future for now, hopefully forever.


  1. Woab Sep 23 2016 @ 11:08

    Soylent Green, and Drenchef, is people!

  2. EtherBot Sep 23 2016 @ 20:31

    Drenchef... is soylent green than!!

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