I was checking my ETSY store every 32 seconds

  • I was checking my ETSY store every 32 seconds it seems. I had tons of awesome stuff for sale, I have no idea I wasnt getting any hits. Mannequin limbs? Who doesnt love that?
  • I needed to improve my marketing campaign. Jim Messina recommended hiring a spokesman and advertising before youtube videos. I could only afford C-list celebs at best, but thought
  • Barney the purple dinosaur would do just fine. Everyone loves dated references right? Barney would be the perfect spokesman to sell their hair gain product. Which is
  • how purple hair became all the rage among hipsters. "I love you, you love me, we're a happy family..." they'd sing in monotone voices, swinging their Barney-hair over their shoulde
  • r blades. Yes, the cult of Barney. It really did exist and they were just as freaky scary as I had expected them to be when I had only imagined their purple hair existence years
  • in "fuego." But what the Barney cult really covered up, what the damned purple dinosaur club hid from my view was the extinct "humaness" that television had buried long ago.
  • It was still intact when Big Bird & Grover roamed Sesame Street. The gradual slide began with Elmo. Then we had the Teletubbies & now Norma and Rodney Roach living in Roachmotel
  • Row, located on California Avenue, near the famous hotel. Shark Lady stayed there when campaigning in 2016. She almost was eaten alive by Mr. Roach and his family. She hid under
  • this reference to this moment. Yes there is lots of room under it; enough for one memory anyway. Shark Lady put her family jewels in this reference to this moment now. As you read
  • this you're asking yourself why a Shark Lady would possess family jewels...the answer is simple...she was a hermaphroditic shark. She was the first of her kind...but not the last!


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