... Now hold it under the ultraviolet light."

  • ... Now hold it under the ultraviolet light." My roomate was trying to show me the hidden message on the cover of Abby Road. "See how Ringo is glowing? Definitely the Messiah."
  • that's when I decided the Hash Brownies had to be put away. "listen man, you need to get grounded" and slowly I backed
  • away from the dragon. "That dragon really has a drug problem," I thought, as I sifted through my sock drawer for a tourniquet.
  • His nose is so full of cocaine he can't breath fire anymore. I was fresh out of tourniquets so I used the sash stolen from the Dalai Lama the year before. "Maybe I can use this to
  • achieve a state of cosmic consciousness deep enough to forget all this. Whether he lives or dies won't matter when I'm one with the universe. So taking the third lotus position
  • he listened for the Silence beyond all silences and relaxed into the mesh of the infinite. Moments or perhaps aeons later, he began to notice a sinister ground hum permeating
  • the valley. One large boulder tumbled loose from the cliff face and ran right into a gazelle whose leap intersected the boulder at an altitude of four meters. The antlers survived.
  • Overcome with remorse, I glued the antlers to my head and declared that henceforth I would be know as Gazellicus, defender of all valley mammals. Hunters doggedly pursued me, but
  • I was the wiliest of prey. I'd read "The Most Dangerous Game" & soon the hunters became the hunted. My glued on antlers were my most dangerous weapon, but one day
  • in the not distant future, my claws would be sharp again and I'd taste the blood, the wonderful blood, the human blood of my oppressors. I roar!


  1. SlimWhitman Jan 02 2012 @ 16:35

    I heard once that when Abbey Road came out, there was a rumor that Paul was dead because he was the only barefoot Beatle. Listened to this all the time growing up. An excellent album.

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