
  • Hey
  • , been tryin' to meet you. "Rrghr." Don't mind the gag or cuffs, all you need to do is listen. I penned this epic jam to express my love for you, stranger: "Ohh, I looked down your
  • street. I swept you off you feet. I put you in my cellar. I'm that kind of fella. It's called Cleveland dating. Or reluctant mating..." Luckily in this story her fairy godmother
  • 's wacky aunt, the fairy bongmother, was watching from above and an extra lighter magically appeared in the couch cushions. So they all got epically destroyed off some indoor grown
  • ganja rolled into a big blunt. One of them leaned forward and announced it was laced with a little something extra (but they wondered whether he was just blowing smoke) --
  • 'No seriously, it's laced!' That's when he pulled out the blunt that was covered with his great grandmother's antique lace veil. We sat in the circle just staring at one another.
  • OMG, was he shanked or shived?! The room was dumbfounded. We all stopped to look up the answer. Apparently you can shiv someone, but then you yourself are shanked. OH thank god
  • we now know the proper terminology of prison slang, we hate to sound like idiots. Anyway, as he fell to the ground with his recent shank wound, Big Bubba wiped his shive clean of
  • the bloody adipose tissue clinging to it, then clamped the shive between his teeth as he crawled through the prison escape tunnel. Big Bubba sucked in his breath so he could squeez
  • e the last few drops of blood so as not to get any on his prison uniform. He worked in the prison laundry & spent hours trying to remove blood stains. He wished he was back inside.


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