Shimmering silver butterflies flitted over

  • Shimmering silver butterflies flitted over the barren wasteland, stopping for a moment to drink from radioactive springs. Strange creatures emerged from those tainted waters,
  • frogs that camoflaged themselves as asphalt, a three headed duck that muttered in Korean, a cat whose fur sent off high-voltage sparks.Super fund clean-up would be difficult.
  • Hold it...rewind that. Did you say "three headed duck that muttered in korean"? I mean talking duck? In Korean? Did you confirm that with a linguist? We're talking circus bonanza.
  • But he rewinded too far. It went back before the three headed duck talking korean to the double-finned Salmon that could recite Chaucer. Was this a circus bonanza?
  • No. It turned out that somehow the tape had gotten jam into it, so he pulled out a damp cloth and attempted to remove the sticky substance from the plastic reels of the old cassett
  • e. The tape was so old that some of the chemicals had leached out and started interacting with the jam. A sickly sweet grey smoke escaped every *fitz* and *pop*. The damp cloth was
  • ...slimy. "Is this...? Do you use this to...?" But my acquaintance offered no reply; instead, he jumped from his chair and crammed overflowing spoonfuls of jam into his mouth, his
  • facial lower orifice was so sticky and sweet that it attracted a swarm of wasps. They crawled around his jammy beard up his hairy nostrils. By now I wasn't sure my acquaintance wou
  • ld ever want to french kiss me, as much as I desired this.That fact stung worse than the wasps ever could, so I grabbed his chin & laid one on him, tongue included. He reciprocated
  • &, as expected, his kiss was like honey. But that was all he would give me. That one kiss was all I would ever carry in my memory...and that, perhaps, was what stung the most.


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