Jeb Maverick was the original cowboy troll,

  • Jeb Maverick was the original cowboy troll, dating back to San Fran '49. He was known to shout "Gold!" in crowded saloons and
  • tie the laces or horseshoes together while they were looking away. If trolling was an art form, Jeb Maverick was a Wild Western Picasso, tipping over occupied outhouses and
  • depositing fresh fecal matter into deposit envelopes down at the local Savings & Loan. Most of his pranks involved bodily wastes and he'd developed a series of unfortunate maladies
  • associated with having a tape word because he'd eaten some really warm steak tar-tar. But he'd collected the most vile things his body could produce for this prank and
  • the tape word is truly a vile creature, similar to a book worm. He released one on his unsuspecting roomy, he ended up with the jingle for Dr. Pepper stuck in his head for hours.
  • His fat roomie failed the oral exam with Dr. Pepperman for obvious reasons. He recorded Mr. Rogers "Would you like to be my neighbour" song, spliced it out & put the "tape word" in
  • stead of 'neighbour'. That got Mr. Rogers very upset. In fact, it got him so upset, he turned green, his muscles swelled up and looked like someone I vaguely remembered (from what?
  • anyway, he was certain it was not important). What was urgent now was a way to escape from Elm Street before the big green and extremely well built Mr Rogers attacked. He quickly
  • left for a tour at sea with the Merchant Marines. Ahhhh, the sea. It was beautiful, but even 3 months in, he still missed Mr. Rogers. Ahhhh, the sweaters
  • and the shoes! What was up with those scary puppets though? After a strict diet of seaweed, baby shrimp and fruit (for fear of getting scurvy) Marvin was ready to go back home.


  1. 49erFaithful Aug 29 2012 @ 12:41


  2. buddyboy4711 Aug 29 2012 @ 13:03

    Tape word!..

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