Hello tristan was a good boy

  • Hello tristan was a good boy
  • and Triscuits are good crackers! Boys who are good shall receive good crackers. Tristan received a Triscuit. Mmmmm... Good Triscuit. Good Tristan.
  • Okay! Now that the ground rules are set, let's move onto today's topic: partial differential equations. The thing to remember... oh, OK, yes Tristan?" "Triscuit?" "No no snack time
  • during math class! I told you once if I told you one-thousand times, you fat little--" the teacher caught himself, but the children had heard enough and gaped at him in shock. He
  • stumbled back to the lectern. "If I ever see you maggots after this year. I will deny ever knowing you. Do you now how important Trigonometry is to the rest of your life? You make
  • sick! You, there were are you from?" Spotty faced kid shouts, "Detroit, SIR!" "I didn't know they stacked crap that high out in Detroit!" The Math Drill Instructor was screaming
  • Bloody murder over the lack of evidence produced by Dr. Pvfzvhsky who had a degree in forensics, supposedly understanding how electric dolphins could swim. The Math Drillmaster
  • had lost his mind, demanding that everyone recite the entire 1-100 multiplication table before each meal and making them start over if they made a mistake. So they tied him up and
  • stuffed him in a closet. "I'm sorry," little Sally sobbed, "but I can't let you do this to me." The six year old pulled out a lighter, and set her father on fire. "F*ck math."
  • Sally skipped town that day, a bag in hand. She was spotted one final time, on board the outgoing train to Toledo. If the train left at 3:30pm, what time did Sally reach Toledo?


  1. Woab Nov 29 2016 @ 11:14

    Perfect last line, capacka!

  2. capacka Nov 29 2016 @ 16:02

    Hey thanks!

  3. Chaz Dec 01 2016 @ 11:35

    Was she crossing timelines? What is the average speed of the locomotive? What was her origin? What's in the bag? People want to know!

  4. capacka Dec 01 2016 @ 21:37

    I'll never tell...

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