Peter donned his purple wig and purple glasses,

  • Peter donned his purple wig and purple glasses, headed to the purple factory to help make purple mattresses for the Purple family of which he was the youngest. Peter Plum Purple II
  • Peter Plum Purple II sat in his plush purple chair perusing the purple production plant plans they planned on paving properly soon. He sipped his white grape juice. "I might buy a
  • perfect purple plant for the pavement of the purple production plant as a pursuit of perfection", he said, petting his puppy who had previously presented the prevention of
  • puppy perfectionism prize to a pretty poodle pooch. This particular prize purported to prise the perfectionism right out of the puppies, preparing them for proper practices
  • Not purely as purported but passably opaque. Or obtuse, I'm not acute enough. Peter robbed Paul to pay the piper on a pterodactyl with ptomaine poisoning puking his Peking man on a
  • plato plumbus, (lead plate, hopefully), maybe platinum or pewter. With a fifth sized flagon filled with a pipefitter's prison potato potion from the potty. Supposedly he picked it
  • out with a fork he'd found on Fourth and Fairlane at some point previous to his prison period. Frowning, he fretted as the fetid punch poured down his puss and pounded into his pot
  • -ted plant, where we'll wait, watching with baited breath, before bouncing back to clean his clock. "Always anticipate alliteration," Albert astutely answered. So somewhere, Sam
  • solemnly stampeded the lobsters.
  • On a bluff overlooking the stampede stood General Douglas MacLobster, puffing his corncob pipe. General MacLobster then dejectedly ordered “Retreat” but vowed, “I shall return."


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