Sid was acepted as a law student at Oxford

  • Sid was acepted as a law student at Oxford University but he couldn't get accommodation on campus since the rooms were full. He looked up different student websites hoping to find
  • an English hobo lessor. Sid accepted an offer for a place outside a smelting factory. "Welcome to Helter-Shelter, ye Sun Belter," said Veltre the hobo. "Oxford's dorms have nothing
  • on the Surströmmingy breezes you'll experience at Helter-Shelter. My olfactory lobe was melting as we spoke and I was too feeble to complain when he handed me the key to the shack.
  • It was a key to the love shack. The love shack baby. I had me a Chrysler. As big as a whale, according to the salesman. The girl behind me screamed, "Tin Roof!" and I was
  • off. I drove as fast as I could to get the hell away from that awful sight of bright red hair teased into a tower above a face with too much make-up. As I looked behind me,
  • the doctor stabbed me with the syringe I gave him, and I exited into the place I like to call San Bernardino in my mind. Every car is primed grey in this world of chaos, waiting
  • to be painted. Skyscrapers are all short & fat, in the San Bernardino of my mind. Drifting, dreaming, unaware if I was dead or merely asleep on the doctor's operating slab, a tiger
  • happened by and pawed at me. I had to admit that I enjoyed it and wanted to rub him behind his ears. When I awoke, however, I realized I had rubbed the doctor's ears instead and
  • was now being presented with a restraining order. Realizing I only had minutes before the drugs wore off and full embarrassment kicked in, I disobeyed medical advice and drove off
  • the reservation. My new family is nice but I don't tell them about your voice in my head. That's between you and me. Just let me know what you want me to do next. Yours, John.


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