• baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa caranchoa
  • Sheep were falling from the sky everywhere. I pulled out my umbrella just in time to prevent the onslaught from landing on myself and the befuddled boy next to me. New York would n
  • ever be completely free of the smell of sheep dung ever again. Their woolly bodies packed the streets and spilled down through the subway system, blocking all vehicles in the city.
  • One enterprising young man, realizing his car was going nowhere fast and that the subways were blocked, decided to try and ride one of the sheep flooding the city. He quickly found
  • that moving with the flock was he most efficient way to move across town at 4am.His destination was the Narcolepsy Ward of the Sleep Intstitute.As somnolescent crowds waited for #9
  • Clouds to lull them to sleep again, he infiltrated their dreams through a hypnagogic gate. He wasn't sure what he was looking for but it was in one of these patient's heads. Laser
  • beams accelerated across the room, probing each patient for 'the secret.' When the beams fell on Mandy, he knew. She was the one holding the
  • centuries of ancestral pain inside of her. Of course she held the Secret! The evil beam-operator, affronted by his own lack of heritage, diffused Mandy's body into nothingness.


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