Oscar the Grouch was pissed. All this Greening

  • Oscar the Grouch was pissed. All this Greening of America crap meant way less trash for him. He was "Green" before the hipsters co-opted it. He needed to get even so he
  • enlisted the aid of his fictional green brethren, assembling a meeting between himself, The Jolly Green Giant, The Hulk, Godzilla, Slimer, and The Green Lantern. Together they
  • flew towards the end of the solar system, where they found a giant monster named
  • Kaathsinjwe who i liked to eat ice and
  • shards of glass with during the dreadfully boring speeches of Chief Iwilawotekanjwe. Avoiding hamburger tongues kept us occupied,but the noise irritated Mthulthu, the Chief's Body
  • Waxer. The sudden movement of his hands to his ears led to a painfully botched bikini wax. "Aiyee!" screamed the Chief. The podium toppled over, revealing Mthulu on his knees. "Umm
  • . I need to find my ummm and my teef." Apparently, Mthulu wears dentures that had fallen out and had smashed as well. Charwaddle, the royal waxer fixer rushed to the stage. Bikini
  • in hand, but not on body, the show immediately turned quite burlesque in nature. The audience was stunned.
  • They had never seen Michael Jordan dance like that, or look that great in a fringy-bikini and fishnets. The dancing show continued into the morning, and the finale consisted of
  • all the basketball players cross-dressing in filthy, kinky underthings. The initial joke wore off, the useless celeb athletes no longer looked that great, & fetishists felt robbed.


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