It was a sunny Sunday morning and I was so

  • It was a sunny Sunday morning and I was so excited to spend the day laying out on the beach. All of a sudden it started raining skittles and my dad was made that much better.
  • My dad was addicted to Skittles, you see. If he didn't get his daily fix, he'd get all crabby and take it out on me. Boy, was I glad it rained Skittles today. Now maybe my dad will
  • stop snapping at me. Sure enough Dad soon dashed outside and frolicked around barefoot in the grass. He lifted his head and opened his mouth wide to catch the candy rainbow.
  • He swallowed it whole & soon rainbows arced out of every one of Dad's orifices. He looked at me with his rainbow eyes & opened his rainbow mouth & groaned, "Find me the antidote.
  • " but I was like, "No way Jose, I'm gonna make a buck if it kills me." So I took him with all the rainbows shooting out of his body holes near the Mystery Spot, set up a tent and
  • charged $10 a pop for people to see Prizma, the amazing rainbow-oozing boy. Then he was invited to appear on the Ellen Degeneres Show, where he told Ellen how miserable he was.
  • Prizma mentioned he was now a she, so be very careful. The red dress he wore revealed something that Ellen Degeneres found so lovely she whispered something in his right ear.
  • But it was the wrong ear, this time. Prizma had lost hearing in his right ear when she was a little boy. One day a big car with a lady in a red dress ran over his legs which he'd
  • been wanting to walk on since Christmas. His legs now crushed, Prizma dragged himself with his hands onto the sidewalk, where his back was promptly run over by a bike messenger.
  • "I'm good! I'm good!" He said to a curious bystander. But he wasn't good, he was bad, and this was karma catching up with him. He began coughing up blood. Then a piano fell on him.


  1. Gibber Mar 15 2018 @ 23:55

    So the moral of the story is: Be nice to your kids or a piano will already have had fallen on you when you were a child of the opposite sex.

  2. Woab Mar 16 2018 @ 11:01

    LOL Gibber! Love the back story, here. I'm thinking that when he coughed up blood is when he began to realize that coughing up Skittles might be prettier.

  3. Gibber Mar 18 2018 @ 01:42

    You rock, Woab.

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