Jezikara of Mars appraised Rasputin with

  • Jezikara of Mars appraised Rasputin with all her senses as the bearded freak stared at her. "I thought that thing was pickled in a jar on Old Earth." She reserved her Martian Sugar
  • crystal. Quite remarkable. It lived. Rasputin's eye's hypnotic, insistent. Jezikara called for the Mendicant of Pozoon who had foreseen a visitor on the next crossing of Mars moons
  • in the sunlight reflecting off of his mobile phone camera lens. The evidence was only circumstantial but the Mendicant of Pozoon had many followers. Jezikara sought to have peers
  • boiled in hot water to make the flesh easier to chew. One of them was the Mendicant of Pozoon. Jezikara stoked the fire, added onions and carrots, but the Mendicant had other plans
  • he wanted to eat Jezibara instead. He pushed him into the cauldron. He watched as his flesh bilstered and boiled. He licked his lips, salivating at the thought of
  • Outlivinghis enemies. Richard Nixon stood by, saying he outlived his enemies and offered a meanie martini. The Dark Lord ate Jezibara and took a meanie martini with Nixon.
  • The Dark Lord sent his guards away but they knew the score. Nixon conspicuously glibly dismissed his own. Both thought they outgunned the other & really they needed to know which
  • twin had the Toni. It turns out that neither did, as the Toni that year went to Suzanne Somers for her role in "Hortence Hears a Whatnot". Nixon and the Dark Lord had rigged the
  • name tags at FoldingStory Convention XII to create confusion and delay. There were two name tags that read: Richard Nixon Black, which meant that Tricky Dick Nixon and Nixon Black
  • were one in the same! "A-HA!" exclaimed BlastedHeath. "I KNEW IT! IMPEACH!" "WAIT!" Nixon Black replied. "A man is not finished when he is defeated. He is finished when he quits."


  1. LordVacuity Feb 06 2018 @ 22:10

    I hear there is to be a sequel but that it is going to take on a more sinister twist int that this time Nixon will be the hero without a any change in character!!!

  2. Woab Feb 07 2018 @ 13:09

    This story took six years to complete!

  3. Woab Feb 07 2018 @ 13:10


  4. BlastedHeath Feb 07 2018 @ 19:51

    In a way, this story started sometime in the 1930s ...

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