What is the point of being a cannibal if
- What is the point of being a cannibal if all the restaurants are vegan?
- I tried to justify myself as I cooked the chef of "The Broccoli Forest". Maybe I will finally enjoy his last meal.
- I feel guilty as I stuck my mouth into his ribs, and tore off flesh, gobbling it down. Later I threw up, because his body was already rancid and animated by a robotic s
- ound effect. The sound effects department were playing all the wrong sounds over the sequence of film. The chomping of a salad by ladies lunching sounded like horses munching
- on ladies lunching on salad. This film would be a flop. But when Floyd the Producer played it for the test audience, it was a smash comedy! Floyd kept the fact that it was a thrill
- er to himself. Psycho Death Rattle killed in the theaters and Floyd made a mint. For his next project, Floyd decided to make a comedy on purpose. He thought it'd be called Bubbles
- for Netanyahu, a satire of the Likud and Israeli politics in general. Three weeks later, he was in Tel Aviv facing a Mossad interrogator with a face like a golem. The pitch hadn't
- lowered in puberty. The Mossad interrogator spoke in falsetto, causing him to have to laugh. Oh, he tried to hold back, but the interrogator's voice was like he sucked helium!
- "Who sent you?" the helium-voiced Mossad interrogator asked menacingly, pointing a dagger at the prisoner's convulsing throat. The prisoner giggled. "I...mmph...your voice...it's
- like 'The Chipmunks go to Guantanamo Bay'!" I know, it's not PC, but then real life rarely is. The shamed Mossad carved his spaghetti into the prisoner, your grandfather.
- Started
- 2013-01-09 12:07:39
- Finished
- 2014-01-19 00:11:33
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