NINJA POPE is resourceful. Caught without

  • NINJA POPE is resourceful. Caught without weapons, he once tied two pope soaps on a rope together. Soft nunchucks that left a pretty good bruise on the blasphemer, I tell ya!
  • He grew rather fond of his pope soapy nunchucks, nicknamed Sodom and Gomorrah. One day NINJA POPE removed his vestments to shower, when the Scarlet Crusader
  • entered the shower carrying the vestments Ninja Pope had just left on the counter. Scarlet Crusader paused to stare at the Pope's naked body, then proceeded to throw his vestments
  • into the "holy bag" that the Shogun Scientologist had given Scarlet Crusader. She hated mercenary jobs, but she needed the money. When she looked back, Ninja Pope was no longer the
  • same-same knew there was something in it, being back from service in some far-away country. Bunny Cake's delicious dipping fills a bag
  • and pipes cream-cheese frosting out onto a freshly baked carrot cake. Bunny then boisterously bounces over to the kitchen counter and grabs a large carving knife.
  • Holding the knife behind his back and trembling with anticipation or some nameless emotion you don't want to know about, Bunny called out, "who wants some nice fresh carrot cake?"
  • "My FAVWITE!" Elmer Fudd exclaimed, running toward Bunny. "CAWWOT CAKE!" "Do you need a knife to cut it with?" Bunny asked, ready to attack. His paw tightened on the hidden knife
  • . He sliced Elmer vertically, who obliviously continued eating carrot cake until he fell in half. Of course, this being a cartoon, he was all better in the next scene. But Bugs dec
  • orated his rabbit hole with Elmer shavings. In addition to providing a nice texture to his abode, it also made the place vewwy, vewwy quiet.


  1. SlimWhitman Nov 15 2014 @ 18:04

    The only other Elmer Fudd story I know of... http://foldingstory.com/fcr7a/

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