It was time for Arty McGunnelwhale's elevenses.

  • It was time for Arty McGunnelwhale's elevenses. He padded down to the galley for a strip of dried cod and a tin of hard cider.
  • Arty McGunnelwhale found a dead captain instead. Mutiny. Only 20 minutes out of Port Royal too. Someone had broken a barrel of hard cider over the Captain's head.
  • It was a gruesome scene, the cider mixing with the blood and the alcohol not quite able to mask the stench. They could have at least waited until
  • The odour police arrived, bringing their cleanup equipment and gas masks to pass out. Officer Sjgfgucz was quick to call the paramedics. Fifty people breathed that toxic sludge!
  • The fifty people were changing, however. They were all shifting into... http://drawfee-suggestion-machine.bugs3.com/
  • I stared in horror as the fifty humans changed... they were twisted, their bodies melting down into a stew of ones and zeros- corrupted code. They had formed a virus. And they were
  • trying to climb into my pc & infect it! Suddenly, in flew a muscular man caped & wearing yellow spandex with a large "N" on the chest. Norton! "Where'd they go?" he asked urgently.
  • "They went in the corner, in the wastebasket, but they did clean up after themselves. I appreciated that", I replied pointing to the wastebasket in the corner. Superhero Norton did
  • what any reasonable super hero would do, he grabbed the offal-filled wastebasket and flew it out to the middle of the ocean and dumped it. "Yeay Norton!" I called to him as he
  • zoomed past me, his cape fluttering in his self-made breeze. "You're the BEST!" I called after him. Norton turned, smiled & saluted me. It was a moment I would never, ever forget.


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