Her decrepid tooth reminded him of their

  • Her decrepid tooth reminded him of their first kiss,& the moldering remains of a rose, of their first date. Surely She still loved him so he visited her grave & dug her up.
  • He thought her skeletal remains had a lovely, lacey quality.He brushed the dirt from her eye sockets, tenderly placed the decrepit tooth in her gaping jaw,and brought her back home
  • . He gracefully laid her in the cleansing bath getting most of the dirt off the bones. By the deterioration, she was buried in the 50s. He searched his closet for a poodle skirt.
  • But then his strange female 50's clothing obsession passed. He returned to the skeleton. Human. He noticed strange marks on the femurs. As if a giant something had gnawed on her
  • , then pulled and twisted. Except for the marks however, the skeleton still seemed intact. He took his scalpel and carefully scraped off some of the gnawed bits of the femur and
  • carefully stitched on a fresh layer of skin. Cape Cadaveral Barbie was Mattel's latest attempt to appeal to the young male demographic. The real bones, forensic pathology kit, and
  • syringes labeled 'Refill at your local hospital" was a hit with the kids in the school yard but - wouldn't you know it - mothers were outraged. Fathers were okay with it, though.
  • That's because fathers, unlike mothers, inherently understand that when it comes to syringes, it's best to
  • assume that Aunt Valetta forgot her insulin shots at our house again. No wonder things were so topsy turvy! Dad shut the door to my room, leaving alone with my tinkertoys. No
  • wonder I never got through my engineering classes for my construction degree.


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