The best meal I ever ate was

  • The best meal I ever ate was
  • n't the whole Mahi Mahi wrapped in banana leaves and baked under coals on a Palawan beach. It wasn't the monster burrito at Juan's Emporium on I5 just north of LA. It was
  • , I lied. It was the monster burrito at Juan's Emporium on I5 just North of LA. I lied because the truth was impossible. You could tell that it was a monster by the way that it
  • showed its teeth when it smiled. I could feel that monster burrito smiling in my stomach. I drove down the I5 noticing the glaring vehicles and the painted apes driving them. Next
  • to being drawn & quartered, driving in Los Angeles was the worse. These days you had to accept on faith that the San Bernadino Mountains are still there because you can't see them
  • leering at you from behind the smog. I used to drive to the San Bernadino Mountains all the time, back when you could see them. I had a girl up there, a crazy hippie who always
  • belly danced for me with an orange balanced on her belly button. I was exotic but left me with a strange craving for orange juice during nookie. Ah to be young again but now in the
  • Moment of admiration, I realised the importance of having the youth understand their importance in life. I looked at the Belly Dancer, Jambalaya, and asked for orange juice and a
  • Piece of organic Apple pie. I just felt like eating a ketogenic diet. There had to be something better than the crap in my fridge. This was the best meal in ages.
  • I wrote a detailed review about that little slice of heaven and posted multiple high-res photos of it online. It was a tall order, but somebody had to do it.


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