"Don't give me that innocent look.You're

  • "Don't give me that innocent look.You're grounded young lady! And no more World of Warcraft this week", Mr. Henderson scolded his one yr old. Cindy had soiled her diapers again.
  • But it wasn't her fault--again. Cindy had been up all night eating frozen pot stickers and drinking Rolling Rock and play C.O.D. Her 1 year old digestive system just couldn't
  • handle being flattened by my sledgehammer. Babies blow. I ate the rest of her potstickers and took over the controller. Call of Duty
  • is like epic and it should totally cross over with Call of Juarez and every other highly unique and different gun-toting murder sandbox franchise like Halo and Spec Ops.
  • More than four years later, the study results were revealed. Of the 3,500 guinea pigs, all but 257 were dead. Autopsies were done and the results were shocking.
  • It was found that nobody would pony up for an all guinea pig skin coat, at least not what it was worth to pay the people who skinned the things. They had to donate the coats to the
  • wigs for pigs where the president elect purchased them. Not splitting political hairs here, just that now animal rights activists are up in an uproar. They are throwing red dye on
  • the starving children that have been given free bacon as a result of the "Wigz 4 Pigz" social media campaign. I guess the animal rights activists figured the kids should either go
  • directly to jail (without passing Go or collecting $200), or they should sell off all their homes and hotels so the other kids had a decent shot at winning. Of course, it didn't
  • matter after all.The kids still will have no chance at winning.Orphan kids don't have money to buy those houses,orphan kids don't know to use money.They are just orphan kids.


  1. Rebbie Jan 12 2017 @ 18:46

    Poor kids.

  2. asteafan16 Jan 12 2017 @ 18:54

    Starving kids.

  3. Woab Jan 13 2017 @ 13:05

    Kids with no financial savvy.

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