She strode to the front of the class, glorious

  • She strode to the front of the class, glorious in her defeat and handed the teacher the worst work she'd ever done. She'd started and finished the eight week assignment on the bus
  • driven by Wavy Gravy to Woodstock. She chewed on a softball-sized jaw breaker made of acid. She had been to "far out" and realized English Comp. was the wet tube sock of knowledge.
  • It was almost as effective and insightful as calling in Tabitha Coffey to come in and take over for the week.
  • But what was the point? He was as bald as a billiard ball & the no hair stylist would be any good. He decided to compensate by visiting the local
  • Ownage Pranks is not a worthwhile response and because you added that, I have nothing to go off of for this. Thank you. Also, you are not funny.
  • Erica continued to slice radishes for her signature dessert. She had found the recipe years ago on a package of Michigan Reds, and had been making it since. The children always
  • vomited afterwards but she had come to think of that as a symbol of appreciation somehow. So now she sang quietly to herself, usually something from Mahler, but today Gary Glitter
  • -barfed onto the ottoman. SpongeBob was not amused, but giggled anyways. Patrick, on the other hand, completed his existential quest, having just returned from Phineas and Ferb's
  • mountain lodge. Patrick looked on to the barf and was glad his quest was over. He opened the '40 and started drinking. He was behind.


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