I sing a song of heartbreak, of sadness &

  • I sing a song of heartbreak, of sadness & misery too. I sing a song of all the things that make a person blue. My heart is like a daffodil, it seems so bright and happy. But when
  • my petals close at night and dew drops pearl in the moonlight,the beams that make them glint also touch your tender face. Do you look up to it and see my quiet tears streaming down
  • my desperately sad countenance? Or do you howl? Oh, how I wish I had never left your side that fateful evening when you were twice bitten. No more walks in the moonlight for us.
  • Instead, we wander alone, tripping and falling on the rocky road of life. Blinded by our tears, we cannot see our shoelaces are untied. We must dry our eyes with the shammy of hope
  • less skullduggery. With that you wipe a fire extinguisher. Then you can travel to the most depressing events in history. For instance, we now will shammy-jump to the Seattle Seahaw
  • ks' Adderall dispensary. The 12th Man used the Shammy to wipe away his tears. "Ever since Marshawn OD'd on Skittles, we haven't had a ray of sunshine." My magic Shammy sent me back
  • in time to the 1960s, where I found myself slap bang in the middle of the Cuban Missile Crisis. What to do?! I decide the best way to save the world from nuclear war was to make a
  • Manifesto declaring the chief liars dead meat and having their dogs grab an axe to deliver the message. The dogs understood and weren 't arrested because they had only three legs.
  • and none of them were theirs. "Ok dog, I can't pin anything on you now but I am going to keep my eye on you," said the policeman handing them back their axes and the three legs.
  • The dog licked the policeman's face and the cop said "Get along, you little scamp!" and shooed him into his dog house, where he waited until everyone had left before snickering.


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