Joe's bud opens the door for him as Joe stated

  • Joe's bud opens the door for him as Joe stated in shock "man, I slept on the bus and when I woke up there was this big whole, made with scissors on my jeans. Who made it? Why? How?
  • " The Fraternity brothers didn't even take their eyes off the tv. "Joe, you were the first one asleep." What the Frat Bro's did not know was that Joe's jeans were the same jeans
  • on the add and that's why he deviated his gaze...they were girl's jeans.And there they where on display!On fucking TV!In the Frat House!!!Joe wanted to die but it wouldn't be that
  • bad if Big Brad didn't notice. Sure enough: "Hey, Joe, are you fucking wearing lady pants?" Big Brad smacked the pledge on the head and continued: "Hey, douchenozzle, I'm talking
  • to YOU!" Joe about had it with this asshole, Big Brad. Maybe he should have pledged a sorority instead. The Tri-Delts would at least understand his love of Lilly Pulitzer fabrics.
  • Joe thought fondly of the times he had spent with his grandma, stitching quilts for the homeless and drinking Captain Morgan. Big Brad would never appreciate such refined pastimes
  • or such memories as Joe cherished now. No, Big Brad was a no-brainer with no redeeming features. He wouldn't be able to fully appreciate a sledgehammer if it hit him in the kisser.
  • The sledgehammer weighed 5,462 pounds. It could not be carried without three lumberjacks. The three hired lumberjacks arrived on schedule, dressed as green giants. Their hands were
  • greasy from the picante sauce they'd had at the Quesadilla Hut earlier that day, and they couldn't get a good grip on the huge sledgehammer. It dropped onto Pierre's jack boot
  • legger who promptly died, dropping all of his illegal DVDs. That day we all got what we wanted. I got my DVDs, Paramount got their rights, and Pierre got rid of that bootlegger.


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