Meeting early tomorrow. Do not induce hangover.

  • Meeting early tomorrow. Do not induce hangover. Meeting early tomorrow. Do not induce hangover. Meeting early tomorrow. Do not induce hangover. Meeting in five minutes. Hangover.
  • "Good morning, Bob! Ready for the big meeting? Wassamatter? You got a hangover? Haha! Look, everybody! Old Bob's got a hangover!!"
  • Bob revealed his torso. He was wearing a t-shirt printed with the image of a hand grenade. "What's wrong Bob?" his manager snickered, "Couldn't get it up last night?" The boardroom
  • laughed, awkwardly. The tension was palpable in the room. Bob played with the grenade image on his t-shirt. "Did you know," he said, "that what's on your shirt is a reflection of--
  • what would be on your shirt if you wore it inside out?". This did not help ease the tension. So Bob took his shirt off and demonstrated. No one followed his lead. His students were
  • too weirded out by the sight of his third nipple as he inverted his shirt right at the front of the class. "Mr. Roberts, may I be excused?" asked Random Anne, "I feel nauseated."
  • Deterministic Roberts allowed Random Anne to leave the classroom, as it was inevitable anyways. No longer did she have to worry about her classmate's deformity. Her nausea subsided
  • Deterministic Roberts allowed Random Anne to leave the classroom, as it was inevitable anyways. No longer did she have to worry about her classmate's deformity. Her nausea subsided
  • and she started thinking less obtusely. That is until she reached into her pocket protector and found a folded sheet of graph paper. Deterministic Roberts must have put it there.
  • "Eureka!" she cried, reading aloud. "Of course you must deduce the true slow dynamics near the bifurcation.As parameter epsilon crosses zero, quasi-equilibrium is achieved!"


  1. LordVacuity May 25 2020 @ 17:22

    Sheesh! Of course it does, if you want to bring math to a lover's spat. But who wants that?

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