The tea had long since gone cold, but I didn't

  • The tea had long since gone cold, but I didn't want to get up and reheat it.
  • I sat there, gripping the mug and staring absentmindedly at the glassy surface of its contents. I wasn't ready
  • for what was coming later today. I wasn't ready to be torn apart from my family, from all I ever knew, just so they had the satisfaction of putting me in a place where I "fit."
  • Unfortunately, there was no escaping that unless I could do something like change the time... Wait a second... As I saw the clocks all around town, I had an idea.
  • Much like Mary Poppins, I attempted to change all of the clocks backwards so that the entire town would essentially go back in time. But I ended up needing to sneak into everyone's
  • Houses to do that, which landed me on some sort of register. "Scary Bobbins" they labelled me in court. Once imprisoned, I planned to escape on the back of Tony the Time Tortoise
  • but he seemed to be taking his time returning from The Land That Time Forgot. So one windy day I opened my magic bumberchute and escaped the prison walls. "Goodbye, Scary Bobbins!"
  • The wind and my bumbershute deposited me in Washington, District of Columbia. 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. The White House. Word spread quickly that Scary Bobbins had arrived and how.
  • I was led into the Oval Office, where the president was napping. He awoke with a start. “Scary Bobbins, is that YOU?” “Yes, Mr. President, it is I! How about a spoonful of BOOGER?"
  • "No thank you!" said President President, who dashed out the Oval Office's secret exit to the Rectangular Rectory. He was last seen baskin' at Baskin Robbins; they always find out.


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