Aren't you going to ask me about the Ghurtvin

  • Aren't you going to ask me about the Ghurtvin invasion?
  • Your disgusting sexual practices do not interest me or anyone else.
  • But just so I know what we're dealing with here why don't we take it from the top. You don't mind if I record this do you? OK great. So, what were you saying about multiples again?
  • I sigh and rub the bridge of my nose. This woman in her tacky beige pantsuit is getting on my last nerve. "They split like cells. That's why the government can't control the popula
  • tion. The Tacky Beige pansuited woman was racist, but she was right. This meant it was time to take to POTUS. I collected my files, and sacked up. This wasn't going to be pretty
  • But this is what things had come to be like almost three years after the original documents were issued. It was no laughing matter any longer. Even the talking heads on the tellie
  • seemed to be talking our of their asses. It was rumored that the smartv could deepfake them to look like talking hears when it was really pooting asses, especially on FOXGnews.
  • The gnus were not really sure what that meant, but there was sure some talk about it down at the old watering hole, I'll tell you what. Bruce Springbok decided to write a song abou
  • t the gnus: “Born in the Gnu Essay.” Bruce Springbok explained to anyone who would listen that his song honored the current gnu literary revival. Huey Lewis & the Gnus took offense
  • big with their song I Want a Gnu Drug. Billy Joel found himself in a Gnu York State of Mind; the Eagles told the story of the Gnu Kid in Town. The Gnu literary revival lives on!


  1. LordVacuity Nov 23 2019 @ 10:06

    Something something Gnat King Cole something something.

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