When I was a young boy, my Pa always told

  • When I was a young boy, my Pa always told me "Boy, don't you go around being a pansy now, you hear? Wearing flowers around your head and playing the guitar all day ain't
  • gonna make you a dime, and none of your hippie friends are gonna make a difference either, they keep smokin' that weed and talkin' bout--" but that was always when I kind of tuned
  • out the lectures and went back to pondering our band's new name. I guess we were set on Pearl Jam but I wasn't sure if that was cool enough for 1989... "EDDIE! Are you listening?"
  • Then he asked, "Eddie, are you ok? Are you ok Eddie?" He asked it over and over and over again until Eddie was forced to throw his stinky hat at him.
  • Eddie's stinky hat hat been worn by 6 generations of Gallaway's without being washed. It floated down onto the annoying questioners head & snuffed him out. Eddie picked up the hat
  • marveling at how quickly it acted in his defense. Gee, gramps was right when said save it for emergencies. Suddenly a shout rang out behind him, "what have you done?"
  • Charlton Heston was on his knees, looking towards a monument which wasn't actually there. "Damn you!" he screamed, pounding the lawn. A confused woman sat on his motorcycle, gaping
  • At the bloody wreckage and the creatures crawling out of it. Charlton Heston got the mud off his boots, licked by the creatures from hell. "Stop!", he shouted. The black goo spread
  • in an irregular shape in front the actor. Heston loaded his rifle and took aim, grinning like a hungry wolf in front of a willing pray. KABLAM! Somehow, the creature was able to
  • avoid the bullet and the actor took it full in the face. Heston had to explain it all afterwards, the paperwork was horrible. He wasn't grinning anymore.


  1. Flopp May 04 2016 @ 14:38

    Heston: All hail our lord and saviour Jesus Christ, for I am doing a willing pray. (er)

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