She goes crazy for Gomez's hamburger.

  • She goes crazy for Gomez's hamburger.
  • it was winter, 1972. On a bench on Hampstead Heath, Ana whispered the code words to her Soviet handler 'the chihuahua' and handed over the microfilm. Their breath clouded the air
  • and implied a more intimate association. The microfilm would confirm this in an embarrassing meeting between arch-agent "Chihuahua" and senior officers of KGB. Ana sought asylum
  • at home. Even with work obligations, she had to continue the search for her missing n. She'd always felt something missing & would stop at nothing. It would all be a means to an n.
  • She felt if she could just hold her n one more time, she'd be whole. Days on n she searched, right up until the bitter n, & when she thought she'd never spell NANNY again, her n
  • ext door neighbor Nate nipped that need in the bud. It had been nightmare without n, she knew. Now she could relax and neatly note names with 'n' whenever it was necessary.
  • Nate had three doggies - jack russells - and everyone in the neighbourhood knew them. She saw the three doggies daily. They learned where the dangerous snake holes were located.
  • Each day at sunrise, the Jack Russells would done their doggie goggles, a special snare and head down the snake holes to hunt the Boa Constrictors. On this day, however
  • the catty cattle had stampeded and run over the doggie goggles and so the Jack Russells had no eye protection with which to hunt the snakes. The snake population doubled overnight.
  • With so many snakes to eat whispers got fatter and fatter until the hit the next stage of their life cycle and became the Guardians of Stealth. The rest is only laughter.


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