It was a dark night when I was thinking

  • It was a dark night when I was thinking in my room when a siren screamed, I looked out my window and everything was on fire.
  • Out came the neighbors from the burning house. Then a fire fighter went in and came out with a body. I was speechless. Tears were shed and
  • yet the only sound i could hear were the crackling flames as the firefighters tried to put them out. not my father's laughter, or my mother's smile, or my annoying brothers, all of
  • the memories were smothered by the smoke that drifted into the sky. I shivered in the cold night as the firefighters continued their work and looked up at the stars. At least
  • the fire crackled hot and bright enough to sear the experience into my mind. My eyes teared as I turned my head from the sky and faced the burning conflagration that threatened
  • my very existence. "Oh stop crying," Father spewed irritably, as if he's seen the entire city burn every night. Which he had. He was an unlucky man, but a cold one. I dried my eyes
  • with the edge of the tablecloth, inadvertently knocking over the candle Mom had lit for the special occasion and spilling Father's brandy. Father doused the flame with gravy before
  • the table could catch on fire, but Mom's Kitty jumped up & caught a spark on her tail. Father screamed, "Your pussy!!" & went after the cat, forgetting all about the fact that Mom
  • had aphasia.Quickly Mom put Dad's hat on her lap to try to put out the fire. Meanwhile the cat's fiery tail lit my Dad's fishing rod & a sack with some cod. "Dad's rod is on fire &
  • don't get me started on his sack!" So that's how dear Pussy rekindled the fire in my folks' marriage, & they're now a throuple. Cat's got my tongue? Damn straight!


  1. Woab Jan 09 2020 @ 16:17

    Excellent wrap-up, Ice Squad. You saved our ship!

  2. IceSquad Jan 11 2020 @ 15:04

    Ice Squad:

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