She had rings upon each finger and her nails

  • She had rings upon each finger and her nails were done in a blood red. In fact everything about her was red. Her hair was a velvet red, her eyes the color of murder. Red everywhere
  • like the blood I wished would spill from my ex's throat. Six months after the fact of his betrayal and I still can't get over it. Nothing helps but imagining fake women with red
  • nipples, which temporarily distracts me from my pain. I wrack my brain, still unable to understand why he would chose her over me. I decided to pay her a little visit to find out.
  • I rounded up a posse to stand behind me and look angry as I knocked on her door. She looked at me oddly, because I was still touching my nipple. "Why did he choose you?" I asked
  • "Because you have the baby bottle, give it back," she sneered, apparently she wanted the nipple. The baby bottle was pink and blue and had furry little elephants on it, it was my
  • FAVORITE the toddler screamed from her pack - n- play. The only thing worse then the whining for the big pink nipple was the stench from her pink furry diaper - jeez who would
  • think that Depends made furry diapers in pink. God knows that the furriness feels amazing against the skin, but why the pink color? It is obviously a turn-off for the older men.
  • These young men though have a bit of rainbow in them. Sometimes a bit fluffy pink fur can really brighten up their day.
  • At the Sydney Gay Pride Parade the man in the giant penis costume waved at the crowed and handed out free condoms. The crowd cheered when the top of his costume blew spray-on chees
  • e all over the place. A month later, several lesbians in attendance that day were inexplicably pregnant. The man in the giant penis costume had some SERIOUS explaining to do.


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