The black masked chef flicked a shuiriken

  • The black masked chef flicked a shuiriken which neatly split the lobster in two. My date shrieked with pleasure. The Ninjahana Restaurant had its share of 'accidents' however and
  • this wasn't one of them. These ninjatoic chefs had really hit the nail on the head! But only after missing and crushing their thumb; so there were a couple of accidents . . .
  • but never mind. Tomato soup was on the menu for today so no on would notice. What do Slovaks eat, they wondered? Pulling their spices and their ingenuity together, they offered u
  • -nder flavored eastern block diluted cabbage slosh. The Slovakian torture was called, "The Mush of Doom." He sat in the chair preparing to
  • eat this garbage when Lo! a cheesburger appeared surrounded by an aura. It was a verifiable miracle and I Snapchatted the Pope immediately with the evidence. My beatification was
  • prompt and decisive. At last, a miracle of my own doing! The possibilities were now endless, and I was inclined to put this gift to work. Making a burger appear was one thing, b
  • Making it nutritious was another. I made rabbit burgers after my cats left them on the back porch. My family and the cats loved them. I told them get more rabbits so I could make
  • some more burgers for the rest of the neighbourhood. The cats followed my orders straightaway. I could see their ferocious looks that reminded me of that strange man I once
  • kissed while drunk at a party and later found out was Ronald McDonald. I had to wash my mouth out with anti-clown rinse to remove the flavor of grease and wilted lettuce. Burgers
  • McFlatulence chose that moment to enter the room with Detective Rin Tin Tin in tow. "There he she is Detective", he said pointing at me, "do your duty!" The gig was up.


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