She liked me, I loved her. She was just fifteen

  • She liked me, I loved her. She was just fifteen
  • which is pretty good going for a cocker spaniel, what with the inbreeding issues. If I'm honest, the older and smellier that Bubbles got, the harder it was to even like her. Tolera
  • ting the older pooch's odor was not something to be taken lightly, but she was still my pet. So, hoping to rectify the situation, I decided to give my darling Bubbles a bath.
  • So I filled up the tub with water. My dog Bubbles knew instantly it was bath time for her. She hid under my dad's bed. I bent down to get her and that's when I saw "it." Under my
  • dad's bed!! An inflatable man!! I reeled at the discovery of my dad's secret while Bubbles licked my hand to console me. I pulled the inflatable man out & blew him up. "It" was
  • fully erect now. Nearly ready to burst from the internal pressure. Completely swollen. I wanted to blow a little more to see what would happen but I noticed the inflatable man's
  • intelligence increasing proportionally to his internal pressure. A few more huffs and we'd have an Isaac Newton on our hands -- or at least an Anthony Hopkins playing Newton.
  • They didn't call me the Big Bad Wolf for nothing! I stepped in and took a giant breath before hu
  • umming the entire discography of ABBA. They didn't call me the Big Bad Wolf for nothin'.
  • Now I think I have to be leavin' you with that piece o' info, as I've got a Ghost Rider to catch. Take my advice, though... Those who follow darkness are bound to become it.


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