The ER Doc asked me"What Happened" "Well"

  • The ER Doc asked me"What Happened" "Well" I started "It's been ages since I've had sex so when so I took two Viagra. Then worrying about a heart attack I took three Nitroglycerin
  • It was fine until I started ejaculating. Nitroglycerin is highly unstable don't you know, and the fact that I wasn't wearing a condom made it all the worse for her. I just have
  • this weird feeling that too much explosive sex could lead to my own death, and not just the deaths of every woman I pair with. "Nothing good comes from Nitroglycerin semen" I said
  • to the Holy Father. "My son" he replied, "The Lord has bestowed upon you a gift. An unseemly, grotesque and often deadly gift. I'd like you to meet a man who can help you exploit
  • your... unique talents." A tall man wearing a dark blue robe stepped out of the shadows. His eyes were hidden, but a thin smile was visible beneath his hood.
  • I gave a sigh, sad that THIS was what I became famous for. I got on my knees and started pulling open his robe. "No, no, no", he said. "You misunderstand, I want you to
  • PLUCK my WICK from this candle I'm holding. Christ, get your mind out of the gutter." Sighing with relief at the prospect of getting to apply my community-college degree, I set to
  • pulling dolphins out of the ocean, dragging them back to Dallas, and having them pluck his wick. "Damn it," I thought, "this isn't why I studied marine biology." But
  • he felt it necessary that dolphins be self-sufficient in candlestick making. They were limited because of their fins and the dryness of Dallas, but with proper training, they made
  • excellent helpers for the handicapped Amish people that lived in Dallas. Soon none of them would go without the help they needed again. The dolphin home nursing service was ready.


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